Group Sex Game: Round Three

Hot ass prepared for group sexI promised a Third Round of the Group Sex Game this week. We lost quite a few nobly, horny souls in the Second Round. May they all continue on towards future sexual glories. Happily, though, there are nine competitors who have successfully completed both rounds and are still with us:  PoisonRaina, ForeignSexuality, Chris, Tori, wife10yearsin, UnpinnedStar, LadyfromParis, Willing Subject, and Sam T. Formidable contenders all.

A quick reminder of the rules of the game:

1) I post a modest little experiment on the blog from time to time and give you a while to accomplish it.

2) When your mission is accomplished, you respond in the comments here with a quick summary of how you did it – just a few sentences to give us a snapshot of the moment. As always on this site, anything you post is kept entirely anonymous.

3) Anyone who’s added their comment when the next round begins will be eligible to continue on, and eventually, round after round, our contestants will be narrowed down to a winner.

Got it? Good. Then…(drumroll)…here are the specifics for Round Three. Although Round Two winnowed us down more than I expected, I’d promised to increase the challenge in this round, so here it is:

Get a phone number from someone you find attractive in some way. Walk up to them and ask for it. You will undoubtedly look foolish, because almost everyone looks foolish doing this, but I’ve found that your own foolishness will often work to your advantage in phone-number situations. You don’t want to look predatory (particularly you men). So just smile, admit your foolishness (“You’ll probably think I’m nuts”), and do your best to make a joke of the situation (“I never do this, but I know I’d feel even more foolish even I didn’t do it today. Just give me a wrong number if you like”). That’s one technique, but you’ll probably have others. You can even say you’re doing this on a dare, if that somehow makes it easier. My only restriction is that you can’t invent a pretext or lie, i.e. ask a plumber for his number because you’ve got plumbing problems, then count it as a victory. Finally, for those of you in happily monogamous relationships, feel free to throw the number away as soon as you’ve obtained it. You know you love your other, and there’s no betrayal in numbers. We’re just playing a game, after all.

So out into the wide world now, ye horny beasts. Get those numbers, and good luck!


Need to catch up? Read the Sex Experiment from the beginning: Table of Contents

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27 thoughts on “Group Sex Game: Round Three”

  1. Call her bluff. Have one of your readers do this experiment, they can write about it and send it to you, and you can send it back to your wife. In the mean time, go somewhere in a taxi together, but never pull the trigger. She’ll be very confused and I can only imagine how lustful she’ll be on that ride, but never make a move. The plot will only thicken.

  2. An interesting problem, for sure, but I’m confident that there is a solution that both maintains complete honesty, and maintains if not builds the element of uncertainty and excitement.
    Us men get too caught up in yes-no, on-off logic, I think. Of course your first reaction was to think “yes or no?”, but when you rather think “how,” so many possibilities open up. Here’s my suggestion, but I have a feeling you can build on, adapt, or throw this idea away and come up with a better solution, considering that you know the woman you’re dealing with.
    She noted that Mr. X has been a bit of a stranger of late, and has been asking herself why, getting more and more excited as she eagerly awaits the next email. I think that’s your window. Explain that you’d love to do her challenge, but you’ve just gotten too busy right now to put your all into it, and you don’t want to half-ass it, so to speak. That in itself, though, is a thoroughly disappointing email, so it can’t end there. Instead, explain how her idea is driving you crazy, and you know exactly what you are going to do when you can. Vividly describe what you’re going to do with her in the back of a cab when the opportunity arises, then concede that as you wait for that time, you’ll have to live vicariously through her, in the next challenge that you then suggest. Every time you get into the back of a cab with her, she’s going to be so brimming with excitement that I’d be surprised if she doesn’t make the first move, and live out what you told her you were going to do. If not, then at some point in the near or distant future, you’ll have to act on your email. Close enough to what you described that she’ll be pretty sure that it’s you, but spaced out in time enough that she can’t be sure.
    (apologies if this is a repeat post; my internet connection went out as I posted a minute ago)

    1. Nope – I say Yep, and I’m beginning to be thoroughly humbled by the brains of this blog’s readers. Put you all in the room, and we’d get the national debt (pick your nation) and a host of other political problems solved in minutes. Thanks very much for your thoughts – it’s showing me some other possibilities that will keep the tension of the “story” intact (while hopefully not boring readers with the new possibility of “and nothing happened” posts). Again, particularly interested in the notion of making a taxi, all taxis, an erogenous zone.

  3. Combine Nope’s idea and one from the other post. Reply and say you will do it but it may take a little while (apologetically) and then issue her the SAME challenge. Then when you get in the cab with your wife BOTH of you will escalate. Are you X meeting the challenge, or just her husband responding to her advances? Then you can write back your description, keeping it vague enough to maintain the gossamer thin pretense that you are not X.

  4. (reposting a comment from previous post by Moist Von Lipwig so we have all of our advice grouped together)

    hah. an interesting one.

    i suppose in game terminology, this is the mother of all shit tests — she thought of her husband in a particular way, but if X is her husband, he’s more awesome (in game terms, alpha) than she thought he was and she’s testing X’s congruence

    you have four options:
    1. lie
    2. cheat (do the stuff for real, but with someone else)
    3. reveal yourself
    4. bump back

    As you recognise, 3 breaks the frame, 1 is not in the spirit of the experiment, so your options (as I see them) are either #1: find another willing girl or #2: tell her no, I give the orders, but it’s funny you should mention taxis…

  5. I agree with many of the respondents here, in that it is a difficult position you are in. Overall though, I would say you should stick to your word: Mr. X promised he wouldn’t be around his subject, and so perhaps this is her way of both putting Him to the test (of being able to keep that word), and also injecting “fresh” ideas into your head. I think you should (as others have said) completely turn it around on her.

    I would like to point out though, that it seems you both have very similar writing styles (you both said “Got it? Good.” in the exact same way). This could present a problem if you are wanting to maintain your anonymity, as she may recognize your writing style if you aren’t careful! Please don’t accidently give away your “superhero” identity!

    1. But what a pleasant “difficult situation”! As for the “Got it? Good,” in this case it was just me consciously echoing her, but yes, we’ve lived together for a while and share some of the same speech and writing rhythms. Again, I’m 95% certain she knows it’s me (98%?), but you readers have strongly confirmed what I only vaguely sensed: even if you’re Lois Lane, and you’re almost certain that every time the guy goes into a telephone booth he comes out wearing a cape, some percentage of doubt is still required to keep that “superhero” magic intact. Mystery is a large part of the power. Thanks!

  6. You’ve gotten wonderful advice already so I’ll address your challenge instead 😀 For me it’s not the asking that’s hard as I’m in a field that requires me to ask for contact information on a regular basis, so I’m comfortable with it. Plus when I was out on the party scene I would approach men on a regular basis… Anyways, on to the tale!

    Last night I went to a country bar that just re-opened in our area. Since it just opened and was a Thursday night, the crowd was rather sparse, just a few die hard line dancers. I’ve always been a country girl and there is just something about a man in boots, worn jeans and a t-shirt or button down that appeals to me. I sat at the bar for a while, nursing a locally brewed beer and studying the crowd (if you could even call it that).

    I knew I’d be going back there on a regular basis and that the people there were likely to be there on a regular basis as well, so I was considering if this should be the place to complete your challenge or not. I’d run back into whomever I asked and then the question would come into play, how to handle the encounter. That would be more awkward than the asking in my opinion. I don’t want to lead a man on, considering that I am very happy and secure in my relationship with my man.

    I finally decided that there really wouldn’t be another opportunity coming up any time soon as my nights out in the near future would be with friends and they would be certain to question why I was asking a man for his number. I let my eyes wander the slim pickings, deciding finally on a handsome man around my age. He was about 6’2, 6’3, with a strong jaw, close cut dark blonde hair and sea green eyes. Wranglers hugged a nice ass, before being stretched around a pair of boots that any fool could see were actually used to work in, not just as a fashion statement. A plain t-shirt was tucked into said jeans, showing off a tribal tattoo that peeked out from under a sleeve, oddly out of place with the rest of the cowboy exterior.

    The DJ called a two-step and I’d seen him dancing before with a friend he was with, so I strolled over, looked up at him (I’m only 5’8ish in my boots!) and asked him to dance. As any good cowboy would do, he graciously accepted and led me out on the floor. While we circled the room, we chatted a bit and I admitted that I was in a long distance relationship at the time, but that my boyfriend wasn’t really the two-steppin’ country kinda man, so I didn’t have a chance to do this much. After the dance came to a close, I smiled up at him and asked if he would mind giving me his number so that in the future if I was considering coming out I could text to see if I’d have a two-step partner. He paused for a second, and knowing that my boyfriends job is a respected on, asked me if I was just looking for a dance partner or if I was looking to step out on him. (Smart man, I wouldn’t wanna see what my man would do to another guy if it was anything more than just friendship!) I assured him that it was just a dance partner I was looking for and he provided me his number.

    It’s now saved in my phone and we did enjoy a beer together just talking about anything and nothing. I probably will end up calling him or texting him in the future just for that reason. So challenge complete, I secured a number of a handsome man and apparently have made a new friend.

    I thought the challenges were supposed to get harder as time goes on! This one was way too easy compared to the last two! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next ^.^

    1. I love this, Tori. You paint the scene wonderfully, with great little touches (how could you not choose to approach the guy in the Wrangler jeans?). In short: I like your style, and I love that this blog has been transported into a bar where we’re now line dancing.

      As for the game getting harder (in theory), I realize that’s always subjective, and it’s been interesting to see how what’s easy for some (like getting numbers for sunny dispositions like yours) is difficult for others. I guess I called this more difficult because you’re required to get out from behind your computer and interact with other people. Now you’re way out in the lead, Tori, but I’m sure a few brave souls will give chase. Thanks!

      1. Painting the scene was easy as it stands out vividly in my mind – If I wasn’t in a relationship, that man would have been wrapped around my finger in a second and I wouldn’t have time to write this! LOL!

        I can’t wait to see who else takes up the challenge and follows me into the real world for challenges! I’d hate to win by default with out seeing what else you have in store for us!!!

  7. Haven’t been around since 30.The Group Sex Game, Round One… WOW! You’ve really started something! I’m not eligible, having missed the previous games, and I’m not sure i’d have been ready to play, but, it’s been exciting reading all of you(collectively) and it thrills me to even just consider doing some of it. I’ll keep you posted I’d I dare…….

    1. Dare, JohnnyRod. After all, the biggest kick of this is posting your adventures, and then getting to read about the adventures that everybody else gets up to.

  8. So, As much as I would be willing to do this challenge, I’m afraid I’ll have to step down early, I’m just too loyal to my now Civil Partner, and I understand I could just throw the number away but it’s not the case of that. I’ll still be here eagerly anticipating each experiment you throw at Her, but I’m going to step off the plate while I’m still around to type 🙂

    Much Love <3


    1. You’re noble in defeat, FS. And that’s why we call it a challenge. Also, I have no doubt that there will be other games and other opportunities to demonstrate your many, many skills.

  9. I failed the challenge.
    Today I had an appointment at our home with an energy inspector, and I thought it would be the perfect time to try and accomplish something I haven’t done in probably 15 years – get a stranger’s number. I told myself that if I even found him passably attractive, I’d flirt and see what happened. My husband had totally gotten me revved up this morning, he put on quite a show after his shower while he was getting dressed. I think he knows exactly what he’s doing. 🙂

    The inspector showed up, and to my dismay, was very short, like 5’4″, max. Hemmed jeans, people. He wasn’t hideous, but there was ZERO attraction whatsoever. I just couldn’t do it. He was super-professional and probably would have run from my home had I been flirty. Oh, well.
    I’ll let you know if I try again. But that will have to wait until after I pounce on my husband tonight.

    1. I love the idea of you getting hopped up to get the number of the “energy inspector”. It sounds like a funny porn setup (and hemmed jeans should almost be a dare of their own). I hope your husband ended up getting the benefit of the porny, at least. And I hope you’ll make a second attempt. I think getting numbers is just a law of numbers – part of the game is being willing to fail until you succeed.

      1. I know, it was such a silly scenario, and it would have made a hilarious story had it worked out.
        Oh, M got the benefits, indeed. I’ll see what I can do about a second attempt!

  10. I too, have failed my initial attempt at this challenge. I met a girl out of my fantasies and moved in for the kill. She had a sleeve of tattoos down her left arm wearing a cotton tank and tight jeans. Slightly older then me I think, but I’ve never been opposed to a little experience. When I approached her with some conversation she took the bait and I had her talking. She was from out of town (great!), had literally just moved here (awesome!), to live with her boyfriend (…crap). Well I didn’t have the heart to ask after that. I will try again, but part of the challenge is making sure this is the right woman, not just any girl I want to get into bed with. That list would just be too long.

    1. Again, I love reading the scene so much that failure hardly seems to matter. You’re a true romantic, Chris, which makes this test significantly harder, but there are other women out there with other numbers!

        1. Very well done, Wife10! An elegant (and devilish) move! I guess I have to insist that numbers be gotten in the flesh, but I love this.

  11. I guess the sub in me would actually be looking to Mr X to put me back in my place…this type of insolence would lead to punishment in this house.


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