Erotic Collaborations


    I curl up almost fetal like against Nicole. Her arms safe and tight around me. Her lips on my hair. My eyes leaking. My voice flooding.

    I hated her. I thought I was the only one. I was so relieved, Nicole, when I discovered how much Em hated me.

    When I got to high school, my parents hired someone regular. I went out…[Read more]

    • We have such similar taste in music! I had this on my playlist forever. I will assign you to do the musical accompaniment.

    • Agree with Luis. They are starting to see each other as people, real people, interesting complicated, imperfect… Not just as ‘the other woman’. Has the potential to change everything.


    Nicole emerges from the shower, wrapping the robe tightly around her. The bedroom is still dark. She stops short, watching Rachel turn Alex over on the king size bed, with the expertise of a seasoned nurse. She straightens the sheets, one side at a time. The covers are then pulled over him like a mother would over her child. Things are…[Read more]

    • You are more courageous than you proclaim yourself to be Ms Mallory. Intensity and extremes you both protect against and yet crave… It makes your writing unpredictable and tense… Full of intrigue and surprises.


    “Triple, venti, non-fat latte, extra hot,” I tell the barista, giving her my phone to pay for my treat.

    Surprisingly today, the wait is minimal. Tasting my drink after I stir in a packet of sugar, my phone rings. I smile, it’s Alex. Wait, am I still pissed at him?

    “Hey lover boy, how is spring break?” I ask…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsErotic Collaborations 10 years, 8 months ago


    I am soliciting any ideas and requests for what you might like to read next in the story.

    I already got a request from lake, who would like to see more character development for Rachel as perhaps, a segue to greater involvement with Nicole. I have ideas along these same lines, deeper relationship between Rachel…[Read more]


    With Nicole’s luggage in tow, Alex follows Nicole and Rachel and several other guests into the hotel elevator.

    Rachel slyly whispers to Nicole, “Alex has naughty uses of elevators.”

    Nicole chuckles, “I think that’s actually my fault, I ADORE elevators. You are right, he is wicked, but in ways you have not…[Read more]

  • And without further ado…the moment of truth – or at least the very beginning of it!

    And I must say this is quite a beginning!!!

    There is sooo much going on here and every ounce of it incredibly rich and complex and filled with anxiety and uncertainty and exhilaration and arousal.

    Bravo for delivering a scene with so many details to consider…[Read more]


    “Looks good. On time. About half an hour, she’d be here.” Alex takes Rachel’s hand and guides her awkwardly toward some seats near the gate. Rachel fidgets quietly until he pulls her close to him. His arm around her waist, her hand on his torso. Their heads close. “I’ve got you,” he reassures her.

    From…[Read more]

    • “hammering of heart beats and heaving of labored breathes” indeed, you have ratcheted up the emotion to a truly torturous level. Merciless tension makes me squirm.


    I don’t know what it is with me and airports and sex. Maybe it goes back to that shameful teenage stunt I pulled on what-was-his-name. I have a standard airport travel uniform: short pleated skirt and my high top Vans. If it is cold, like today, I would wear tights, or the thigh high socks I got on now. If it is…[Read more]

    • Amateurs is right! Way to go Nic!!!
      Bet they aren’t traveling somewhere to fuck the brains out of their husband, some 20-year old hottie and themselves for the weekend!!!
      Interesting to think that your display may be the highlight of their sexual day, whereas however daring it may have seemed, it will almost surely be forgotten by Nicole by the…[Read more]

    • I love how you’ve made this a completely erotic ride and all she did was go to the airport :). Really liked this, it conveyed the fun and flirt, and spirit.

    • I love how you’ve made this a completely erotic ride and all she did was go to the airport :). Really liked this, it conveyed the fun and flirt, and spirit.

    • I love how you’ve made this a completely erotic ride and all she did was go to the airport :). Really liked this, it conveyed the fun and flirt, and spirit.


    I wake up, momentarily confused by the strange sensation of delicate soft curls around my fingers before my eyes could focus and see Rachel’s low snoring features. I wonder if she could possibly be more exhausted than I am. I smile as I inventory all the different ways we fucked yesterday, starting with what we thought…[Read more]

    • Very rich, very provocative, it started great and only gets better and better.

      • Yep…his mind is definitely reeling and a bit all over the place! But can you really blame him! Isn’t that at least some part of what such an experience should be about? Just total and complete expression of ones wants and desires? I see all of the things that such an experience might which are positive as much as the risks and potential…[Read more]


    Rachel and Alex step into the hotel elevator in a feverish embrace. She can feel the velvety heat of his breath in her hair and hear the flaring of his nostrils as he cradles the top of her head under his chin. Are their heart rates calming or are they climbing? They cling to each other, both barely able to feel…[Read more]

    • Great tension, and I again loved that you flashed to Nicole in advance of revealing this side of the story, I found myself still picturing her there in the bed as you described her even while I was reading this, it all feels very connected, which I expect is one of those things that is much harder to do than it appears to be. I think I speak for…[Read more]

    • This is great and telling and real and there ARE those moments that they both momentarily slip out of “character” and acknowledge the vulnerability that undoubtedly would exist for both of them in this moment. I really enjoyed imagining myself ravaging and fucking Rachel as if I were him…it would be an incredibly heady moment!!!


    We tear out of the elevator onto the cold street, from fervency to the arctic. Alex has me tight around his arm while he hails a cab and I pant into his chest.

    “Do you want me to take you home, Rachel? Or are you ready to come back to my hotel with me?”

    I am shaking hard from both heat and cold but there is…[Read more]

    • Holy hell. I had to stop reading and walk away after I read the words, ‘feed me your pussy’ omg, that was fantastic and just the right turn of just .. Umph, pure debauchery. I swear I was going to call it a night right there and just go jerk off but then I had to come back and keep reading. So hot, so, so hot. Alex is… well. I don’t know…[Read more]

    • I have the most devilish grin on my face right now after having read this…

      I definitely like Alex’s style!
      Whether that is having her walk around with her dress fully open under that coat, or constantly requiring Rachel to confirm/re-confirm her readiness/willingness/desire to taking the next step (also known as making her all but beg to be a…[Read more]

      • I seenthat devilish grin and I hope your slave will forgive me if you decide to take her on a cab ride. Or thank me. I accept flowers.

        • As the matter of fact we happened to jump in a cab together yesterday on our way to fuck, and although it was to brief to recreate your scene her tights and panties were pulled down almost instantly and me hands were working her cunt hard every second until we got out. Better yet, I actually took a few pictures!!! Alas, they are uploaded on a…[Read more]


    Terrific dinner and conversation. Delicious, light-hearted flirtation. My mind is racing, wondering if this is the conclusion, does he have second thoughts? I slip my arms into my coat as Alex holds it up for me. Then his body and arms wrap the coat around me, his hands come around to tie the belt tight around…[Read more]

    • I hope it energized your day accordingly!

    • i found myself reading faster as the elevator moved along…bravo.

    • I felt my cock getting harder and harder and starting to pulse and twitch and jerk faster and faster as the elevator moved along…

      I couldn’t decide if she was going to just rip the dress open when she couldn’t get the buttons undone or not…
      I was getting more excited to see just what he would have her do once it was fully undone and they had rea…[Read more]

    • Didn’t realize you are reading the story, and delighted you found something you like. Let me know if you got up and spoke with designer girl (and what number was she?).

    • Mr BrankSpank, first I want to respond to your comment about the layout of the site and story. Given your preference, if you have an interest, you should read the story here, unencumbered by the “comments”
      I am going to ask @him to read your comment…[Read more]

    • Thank you for the great feedback and I am enjoying your parallel flirtation with young designer girl.

    • First move by Alex with the coat, super smooth, I love that! I am going to use that! and Rachel’s response is exactly what I’d be thinking 🙂

      In the elevator when he looks up, he’s checking where the video camera is right?

      This is super hot, You definitely have us feeling ‘it’, so much so, here again I wanted even more (and that is rare for…[Read more]

      • Yes when he entered the elevator and looked up, he was looking to see where the camera is and guided her under it. What can I say? Alex is a little kinky.

        • Extravagantly kinky, brilliantly kinky, diabolically kinky… Any of these, you could convince me… ‘Little’ kinky… Uh huh, soooo NOT


    I would have not been able to make it through the day had it not been for my insane schedule. I am grateful for complete inability to think of anything but work today. It is almost 10pm when I crawl into bed, exhausted. They should have had dinner already. Danced some more with flirtation and foreplay.…[Read more]

    • I am soooo loving everything about this…not the least of which is the masochistic tendency of Nicole to not only face the situation head on, but to literally pick up on the most sensitive possible aspects and rub her own face in them…

      I literally I imagine Nicole being tied to the bed face up while Alex is fucking Rachel in a way where his coc…[Read more]

    • Switching back to just this perspective at just this time was brilliant. You have us really on the edge of the seat hungry for what’s going on… Asking many of the same questions as Nicole at the same moment, perfect device.


    After I shut down the iPad, I sit up and pull off my tank top, patting down my sweaty neck and back. I reach down and pull off my panties too before laying back down under the covers, moving my body around to feel the rumpled sheets, pressing my face into the pillow to breath Alex in. I think about how much he…[Read more]

    • I like you giving us enough to really start picturing Nicole like this, I like thinking about her naked, clinching, aching there. I think about what everyone of those actions and thoughts feels like when I’ve done them myself and then superimposing thoughts of Nicole’s body over the top. I could have stayed with this even longer. I wonder…[Read more]


    Is she thinking about my cock the way I am out-of-my-mind thinking about her cunt? I’m on fire horny. But this is best. I want her sticky wet sure. I want her to commit to savoring every delicacy of lust, sin, and taboo I am going to show her. I want her mind to be enthralled with salaciousness. I want her full heart.

    I…[Read more]

    • Omg… Why didn’t he tell her?!?! I would have been bursting to tell M. He would be so turned on, that was an incredible accomplishment! How can he stand not to tell her?

    • Ah yes torment and lust, wanting and pleasure, freedom and belonging… NOW we are into it! But they have chosen this path, set themselves on it in no small manner… The deeper questions, motivations, desires will begin playing out now… in one way or another (I would argue by him managing what he shares in this way, it has already begun). So…[Read more]

      • Yes, yes, yes, lake. What I want is something incredibly provocative, that unravels, rebuilds, unravels, rebuilds. Like strength training, stress on the muscle activates chemical pathways to increase the rate of synthesis, building stronger muscle tissue. I want to challenge the notion that relationships is about maintaining equilibrium. I…[Read more]

        • Now that I can absolutely get behind!

          I do believe the incredible strength that comes from traveling through those states conquering such intense emotions, which requires such depth of understanding that gives them such confidence, such fearlessness, such inspiration.

        • Side note…holding aside the literary freedom which is granted an authors of stories…the truth is that in order for people to become real and authentic (either as characters or individuals) there is no avoiding confronting reality…it has a nasty little habit of exerting itself no matter what lengths we go to suppress or avoid it.
          As a liter…[Read more]


    I swerve and turn my steering wheel sharply at the blaring sound of a car horn and get my car back into my lane. I shake myself awake from daydreaming, rewinding to mind play the last couple of hours with Alex. I desperately need to get home and shove my hands down my pussy and make myself cum. God, he is even better in…[Read more]

    • Yep, I know that feeling… it is a miracle she didn’t crash the car! This is getting me all jumbled thinking about wanting cock and pussy so much at the same time.

    • Stupidity is better than injury!

    • I swear I’m not making this up, and I did not do it on purpose, but I rear ended a guy in a Porsche once and he was gorgeous and we did end up dating… Oh and the car was fine, but I was quite late for my class 🙂

    • The one thing I have learned is there someone out there doing anything and everything!

      I did crash a car once driving home from swing (the dance – NOT what you were thinking) camp. I hadn’t seen him(#5) for more than a week and I just kept going faster and faster… The anxiousness and just boiled out of control. I actually couldn’t believe…[Read more]

    • Omg, it was soooo fun too! There is no way you couldn’t do it if you decided to. Belly dancing is harder than many of the others!

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