Category Archives: Fantasy Experiment

Anyone: CC’s Fantasy Experiment

0003CC is a bold young woman living in Los Angeles. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her most recent experiment from Mr. X.

Dear Mr. X,

Your challenge this month kept me up at night, with wild thoughts running endlessly through my head. My fantasy crystallized in my mind the more I imagined it, and my fingers found themselves between my legs more than once. Continue reading Anyone: CC’s Fantasy Experiment

“Suck”: SS’s Fantasy Experiment

0019Sweet Soumise is an adventurous young woman living in Paris. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her most recent experiment from Mr. X.

Dear Mr. X,

What a treat to explore this way! I couldn’t wait to close my eyes and picture my favorite fantasy. I love the word you used, “urgent.” But then, the very day you posted my response to the last dare, the unexpected happened here in Paris. For a long time, I couldn’t access my fantasies; my imagination couldn’t find the path back to that sort of excitement. I wanted desperately to feel, but I was numb.

Then, slowly, I found my way back. My heart and my head connected again, and soon after came the rest of me. Thank you for the impetus to find my way back to myself. Continue reading “Suck”: SS’s Fantasy Experiment

Anne’s Erotic Breadcrumb Experiment

0006One of the biggest kicks I get from The Sex Experiment is exchanging emails with readers. Some come from the friends I’ve made on the site’s social network, which I affectionately think of as “The Orgy” (infinitely better than “Facebook”, if you ask me), and others come from readers who simply email me directly. Sometimes men will write in. Sometimes they’ll even ask for dares, but generally we’ll share experiences or exchange ideas on specific erotic situations. More often it’s women who write, and they’re more likely to ask for a dare. I tend to keep the dares fairly modest, but most of these women I never hear from again (although some wonderfully sexy ones prove to be exceptionally adventurous). I understand: if I were on the other end of some of these emails, I don’t know if I would be anywhere near as brave as others have been. But no matter how daring, no matter how much contact I have with the reader, I’m consistently amazed by the intelligence of the emails I receive. They’re thoughtful and extraordinarily well written. Scientific conclusion: sex makes people smarter. And I’m not sure I’m kidding. Somebody needs to do a study. Volunteers? Continue reading Anne’s Erotic Breadcrumb Experiment

Fucking the teacher: a reader responds to her experiment

A hot student is fucking a teacher on a desk.Several days ago I received a sexy e-mail from a fearless reader. We hit it off, both got horny in the process, and then she asked if I would give her an experiment of her own. I was happy to oblige, and now she’s written back. And I’m more intrigued than ever. She does know what I like. First she thrilled me with a description of her naked body. I’m going to keep that to myself for the moment, but to set the scene: she’s in her twenties, exotic looking (and obviously very attractive), with full breasts, taut skin and lips that are (I’m paraphrasing here) made for blowjobs. Is it any wonder I’ve been distracted lately? So, without further ado, here’s her fantasy, and how she responded to the experiment: Continue reading Fucking the teacher: a reader responds to her experiment

A sexy e-mail (and A Reader Experiment)

A reader sends in a sexy e-mail and strips off her top.The other day I got a sexy e-mail from a reader named Lisa, and I most definitely have a new obsession (can you have too many?). Here’s her (sexy) e-mail:

To Mr. X,

Your stories excite me beyond the point of orgasm. I’m incredibly intrigued by your life, your anonymous persona, and your wife the sex kitten. Reading the posts alone make me as wet as Mr. X makes your wife. I cannot explain how horny everything makes me. I love the fact that you share this with the internet community. I hope you’re able to continue this experiment for a long time. I also hope you start making your wife take pictures of her sexcapades and share them with us….

Thank you for making me horny,


Continue reading A sexy e-mail (and A Reader Experiment)